How to Overcome Blogger’s Block

There comes a time in a blogger’s life that ideas for writing seem to run out. Bloggers need to produce posts with regularity and it can cause quite a panic if inspiration won’t come before deadline. With some system in place, blogger’s block can be addressed.

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Ways to Overcome Blogger’s Block

No matter how good a writer or blogger is, writer’s or blogger’s block will come so here are some ways to overcome it:

1. Write on a topic that you are comfortable with.

Sometimes, blogger’s block may be induced by the additional stress of writing about something that needs extensive research because important facts may be unknown to the writer. A topic in which a writer is confident about lessens the tension and should encourage creative juices to flow more naturally. Creativity is more hampered when writing is forced.

2. Find the perfect time for easier writing.

Every writer should have a specific time for writing which is more conducive to creativity. Early morning is a good time for many since the body and the mind are still fresh from the night’s rest. While there are exceptions in writers that can produce more under extreme stress, there is an obvious reason why they are exceptions. It simply isn’t easy to do.

3. Get a breathe of fresh air.

The more a writer encloses himself in his nook, the lesser the possibility of having a fresh perspective in things and issues. Going out and staying away from the work area even for just a while removes the barrier of seeing only one view. A true writer can derive inspiration from the most ordinary things and will be able to write something worth reading.

4. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Punishing yourself for being unable to produce any written work rarely does any good. Depriving one’s self of sleep and rest, food, or even any form of relaxation does not encourage creative thinking. Most of the time, the opposite works just fine.

5. Sit down and write.

Writer’s block is somewhat related to procrastination. Delaying it will not bring you any nearer to reaching your deadline. Sometimes, all it needs is to sit down and start writing.

Blogger’s block can make bloggers very nervous especially when there is a necessity to publish on specific dates. To prepare for this creative lull, it would be best to do some advanced writing while on a roll and save some for this kind of period. Plan for blogger’s block as it will come.

About the Author:

Teresa is a researcher-writer who covers a wide range of topics in search of useful information to offer to her readers. She currently maintains four personal blogs.

Originally posted on July 1, 2013 @ 12:51 pm