Managing Your Time A very important part on your blogging is setting a reasonable schedule and good time management for posting, commenting on other blogs, moderating and responding to the comments left on your blog, reading feeds, checking your stats, and lots more. Setting up a schedule and sticking to it will keep you from being stressed out. And as for time management also you can schedule to do certain tasks/posts on a certain day Writing more Articles And Developing more ideas A very useful tip for bloggers like us is having a cache of ideas that you can tap in whenever it’s time to write a post. Having a cache of ideas helps maintain that blogging vibe so that we can enjoy our blogging experience and not be stressed out in looking for the perfect topic to post. Write your scheduled article/posts and also write an extra two – three posts to act as a backup post when you suddenly run out of ideas or “blogging juice”(hehehe). Setting posts to posted on a certain schedule WordPress has a nifty feature that is very useful and can be used to your advantage. Using Timestamps can definitely help blogger like us to maintain our blogging consistency by setting it to post on the certain and date of the week so you can post earlier even a week earlier. To do that use ‘Post Timestamp‘ which is nicely located on the sidebar of the post compose screen and select the ‘Edit timestamp‘ box. Set the timestamp to the date and time you’d like the post and click on publish then your post should appear on the time you specified.
Originally posted on July 27, 2011 @ 10:00 am