More Blog Marketing Ideas

Continuation of Blog Marketing Ideas

4. Join Memes – Blog chockful of memes can be iriitating to some readers but meme communities are usually very large and generate tons of traffic. Memes are also great for fillers especially when you don’t really feel like blogging that day. Of course since memes topics are given the day you are supposed to post then you can opt to join memes that post on days you prefer.

5. Social Bookmarking – Make it easy to bookmark your entries by installing social bookmark buttons like the ones below under Share and Enjoy. The most popular are Digg and If you want to see the most popular social bookmarking sites today visit popURLs, which is an aggregator, to get a good idea. Who knows if your blog post has a catchy enough title you just might get on the front page of Digg! To try them out you can click on the buttons below and bookmark this post.

6. Submit to Blog Directories and Search SitesTechnorati is the most popular of course. If you don’t want to submit to the other blog search sites and directories at least submit your blog URL to Technorati and to “own your blog”. Do not underestimate the power of Technorati since Technorati links is one of the top determinants of the amount of traffic you will get.

7. Good old fashioned print
– Put you blog and not just your website on your letterhead, your business card, company newsletters, or wherever else possible. Remember though that make sure that you put this advise in context and that you don’t go on promoting your personal blog through your company’s letterhead.

Originally posted on September 18, 2007 @ 11:41 am