While going about my daily Internet browsing, I stumbled upon a blog called Writing for the don’t even stop to punctuate. And if they can’t put quite the right inflection on a sentence, they’ll often use an OMG (Oh my god!) or an emoticon, e.g., a smiley face 🙂 or a wink 😉 or a frown 🙁 instead of words. (Tilt your head to the left to see the emoticons here.)
Alright, there is some truth to that, I agree. However, this line just really got me:
Many bloggers really don’t write much at all. They are more like impresarios, curators, or editors, picking and choosing things they find on line, occasionally slapping on a funny headline or adding a snarky (read: snotty and catty) comment. Some days, the only original writing you see on a blog is the equivalent of “Read this…. Take a look…. But, seriously, this is lame…. Can you believe this?”
Again, there is a grain of truth here and I believe that working on our writing is the only way to prove this statement wrong. It is such a sweeping statement that does not do us – bloggers – any justice. I could go on and on about this but I think I’ll just go about my business and go on writing fantastic blog entries that are nothing like what is described in the article. What say you?
Originally posted on February 18, 2008 @ 2:19 am