Writing a series of blog entries could be difficult sometimes. Why? Because you might forget to follow it up.
There are times when you would write about something and you decide that it might be good to have a follow up. When could this possibly happen? Maybe when you have decided to test a new service on the Internet or maybe you have been having an experiment and you wrote about the possibility of having a follow up to it using a different set of things. Let’s say you wanted to talk about the modifications you think of doing to your car. You might have started on with the discussion on your car’s paint job. Then you stop there and just mention in passing that you would also be writing about other modifications on it. Somehow, but days and weeks might have passed by and you have forgotten about that. Maybe you have even started working on the car modifications you wanted but talking about a city you visited took away your focus from the car modifications series.
Writing a follow up is good because your blog readers will know what happened. Sometimes, if you have a regular set of readers, they will even ask you what has happened to your plans and they will be curious. A good thing about it is that you could document a lot of things too. Think of the many projects you have or want to work on. This way, you could already access them on your blog. (Unless they are top secret projects, of course. In that case, you would probably password protect those blog entries or have them posted privately so that only you could read them.)
Do you think you started on some entries and have not been able to write follow ups? If you are not sure, it is time to go check your blog.
Originally posted on July 26, 2006 @ 5:07 pm