Blogrolls and SEO

When it comes to updating the blogroll, whether to add new blogs or delete old ones, many bloggers actually never come around to doing it often enough. The reason for this is simple, if you have lots of blogs you like managing your linklist can be a headache. It’s one thing to subscribe through an […]

Search Marketing Expo – SMX West Registration Details

If you are interested in learning more about search marketing and would be somewhere near California this last week of February you’d better take the opportunity to attend the Search Marketing Expo. This year’s SMX West has something to offer to everyone from newbies in the search scene to experts. Newbies get to participate in […]

SEO and PR

Lee Odden wrote a very interesting post on SEO for Public Relations. Here’s a summary of the important points of the post. 1. People also search for information using news search, which means that we should also the document. 4. Mentioning a keyword/phrase 2-4 times in a 500-word press release is enough. 5. Ranking for […]

Blog Performance: Goals Come First

Many bloggers blog for personal reasons. If your blog is a personal blog then this post isn’t for you. However, if your blog is a commercial one then you should make sure that you are aware of how your blog is currently performing. (Note: If you are a personal bloggers obsessed with your blog’s stats, […]

Exhanging Links with Similarly Themed Blogs

Last time I mentioned how automated blogrolls are not useful for SEO purposes. Blogrolls using plain HTML is still useful but those that use external javascripts do neither you nor the one you link to much good (except that it can of course drive traffic to the site). If you want to get more inbound […]

Blogging Smart: Why Discretion is a Must

One of the things that people enjoy about the internet is the anonymity it provides. Depending on the level of anonymity you prefer you can be extremely secretive and be an unknown netizen with a completely different persona on the internet or still maintain your own identity and not be anonymous at all. When it […]