Domain Name Game

I was reading Jimmy’s post on having your own domain. I agree that having your own domain is a sign that you take your blog seriously or at least value your blog enough to spend a little money on it so you won’t have a .blogspot or .wordpress domain. In the post Jimmy said that […]

Avoiding Becoming an Ad Spam Blog Part 1

Time and again I’ve seen perfectly good blogs turn into nothing more than ad generators as the blogger gets hooked on the profit they make from sponsored posts. Like most people I couldn’t help but be turned off by these blogs. However, having friends that make a healthy profit from consumer-generated ads I couldn’t turn […]

Avoiding Becoming an Ad Spam Blog Part 3

To sum everything up I’ve written so far about avoiding being a spammy blog I would say that the key thing is making sure that you still provide quality content more often than sponsored posts. Quality control is the key. Now for the last instalment here are some tips on making sure of your blog […]

Avoiding Becoming an Ad Spam Blog Part 2

5. If you wish to simply dedicate a section of your regular entries to the product/service review/plug you can: put the sponsored section at the very end of the blog post. use a nice separator and clearly to delineate the sponsored part of the post from the regular content. You may even use a heading […]

Blog SEO: Keyword Tools (WordTracker)

One of my all time favourite keyword tool to use is WordTracker. I used it before I even discovered Google Keyword Tool and continue to use it whenever I need a good analysis of keywords. Note though that when I talk about Wordtracker I am not referring to their Free Keyword Suggestion Toolbecause quite frankly […]

The Blogger’s Guide to SEO

One of the best holistic guide to optimising a blog is Aaron Wall’s Blogger’s Guide to SEO. It is not the most in-depth guide but it covers all the basics (and a bit more) and is written in a such a way that even newbies in SEO will definitely understand. The guide also links out […]