As I promised in my previous post I will be listing down ways you can make it easier for readers to look for the information they need in your blog. The truth is that this is all you need to do is give readers several options to navigate through your blog. This is very easy […]
Blog Usability: An Introduction
Blogs have a very basic design with the blog title/header, tagline, content, and sidebar(s). Despite the fact that most blogs basically make use of the same elements the difference between the feel of various blogs is very noticeable. Many blogs with just the most basic of elements use very straightforward navigation but end up really […]
Post-dated Entries in Blogger
Post dating blog posts is nothing new to WordPress users but bloggers who use Blogger will be happy to know that they can now post date their blog entries. The ability to post date entries (or rather lack of ability) has been one of my frustrations about Blogger. I have always used Blogger for my […]
Number of Links: How Much is Just Right?
When it comes to inbound links the rule we all know that the more we get the merrier SEOs will be. Of course that’s assuming that the inbound links are quality/relevant links. We don’t want links from flagged sites (spammers). When it comes to the number of links you should insert per blog entry do […]
Blogging and Branding
One way to keep your readers loyal is by creating/building a brand for your blog. Branding is not exclusive to company products being sold but can be used by anybody who wants to “sell” anything. According to Wikipedia a brand is actually “a customer experience represented by a collection of images and ideas.” What this […]
Making Money Through Consumer Generated Ads
As I mentioned in my previous post today I will be suggesting some ways you can still profit by joining programs such as Pay Per Post and yet ensure that your readers don’t get turned off. In my opinion the only way to really do this is by making sure that your blog entries stay […]